Where and how do I buy the cd and book?
If you live in Sweden/Om du bor i Sverige
Du kan beställa skivan där du brukar köpa dina skivor, antingen på nätet eller i butik. I Sverige distribueras skivan genom DFR (Grammotex). Bor du i Stockholm kan du köpa den i butik hos Pet Sounds och Bengans.
You can order your copy where you usually buy your records, on the Internet or in a store. Distribution in Sweden is through DFR (Grammotex). If you live in Stockholm you can pick it up at Pet Sounds or Bengans.
CDON.COM Ginza.se Bengans.se Kulturbutik.se
If you live in Europe
(Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom, other countries please see Americas)
Initially, the easiest way to get hold of your copy is to order it from CDON.COM or Amazon, but you can also inquire at your favorite record store since it’s probably not on the shelves yet. You can inform your store that it is distributed by Super D, supplier to more than 2.500 brick and mortar stores around the globe, and they should be able to order it for you.
If you live in the Americas, Asia, Australia or Africa
Initially, the easiest way to get hold of your copy is to order it from CD Baby or Amazon, but you can also inquire at your favorite record store since it’s probably not on the shelves yet. You can inform your store that it is distributed by Super D, supplier to more than 2.500 brick and mortar stores around the globe, and they should be able to order it for you.
Where and how do I download the album or individual songs?
We’ve made every effort to make the album available through as many digital retailers as possible, more than 40 to date, so we can only highlight a few here.