About me

on Jun 29, 2010 by admin | Comments Off

Robert was born in Stockholm, Sweden. In the late 60’s, his family moved to Seattle, USA, eventually returning to Sweden in the 70’s. The bands, sounds and styles of this period became a strong influence on his musical development.

“As far as I can remember, music has always been around. From a very young age, I would pick specific records from my parents’ jazz collection and play them on the turntable. But what really blew me away was The Beatles”. After buying his first electric guitar, Robert went on to form a high school band and perform on sporadic occasions. Not trusting his musical career to support a livelihood, he ventured into the wine trade. Due to illness, his life eventually took a new turn. “I was diagnosed with CFS, and thought that life would never be the same. Luckily, that turned out to be more true than I could imagine.” After attending a retreat in 2002, something dramatically shifted. “It is difficult to put into words. I came to realize that I had been sound asleep during most of my life, and started what I call my journey back home.”

During all this time, Robert had continued to write songs, using both the guitar and piano as a base for composing. After recovering from his illness and leaving his old line of business, Robert became involved in music projects for other artists, including co-writing with established songwriters, before taking the final step of becoming an artist in his own right, performing and singing his own songs.

“I felt a longing to express myself more directly through music, and to share some of the insights from my journey. It has really been a life-long dream, and finally all the pieces have come together.”

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